可灵 1.6 的 Elements,将两张汽车图片和一张盘山公路的图片融合成一段逼真激烈的汽车追逐视频,一般情况下 2-3 图片的效果最佳。
A cinematic tracking shot follows a drag race between a black Ferrari F40 and a white mcclaren on an epic mountain pass. The camera follows as they drive through the winding mountain road with high contrast and stark lighting towards a massive valley clearing. The cars tires skid and kick up water as they accelerate violently through turns on the winding road causing an epic cinematic show. Shot in cinematic 4k.
一场激烈的直线加速赛在壮丽的山间公路上展开,镜头以电影级跟踪拍摄方式,紧随一辆黑色法拉利 F40 和一辆白色迈凯伦的竞速角逐。摄像机追随着它们在蜿蜒的山路上疾驰,高对比度与强烈光影效果突显出画面的震撼感。车辆呼啸着冲向广阔的山谷空地,轮胎在急速过弯时打滑,溅起水花,伴随着狂暴的加速,为观众呈现一场震撼的视觉盛宴。全片采用 4K 电影级拍摄,营造出极具冲击力的画面效果。
Halim Alrasihi