来自 AI 创意达人 TechHalla 的新作:美食成精 [笑cry]
图像:Mystic v2.5 Fluid
视频:可灵 1.6
A hyper-realistic photograph of a surreal hybrid creature, a lizard seamlessly fused with a peeled banana, its skin textured like a ripe fruit while retaining reptilian claws and eyes. The scene is set in a cozy vintage kitchen with warm wooden cabinets, a checkered floor, and soft natural light filtering through a window. The banana lizard sits on a rustic wooden countertop, surrounded by scattered fruit peels and a knife, evoking a mix of curiosity and unease.
一张超写实的照片,呈现出一只超现实的混合生物——一只蜥蜴与剥开的香蕉无缝融合在一起。 它的皮肤带有成熟水果般的质感,同时仍保留着爬行动物的爪子和眼睛。场景设定在一个温馨的复古厨房里,温暖的木质橱柜、棋盘格地板,以及透过窗户洒落的柔和自然光,营造出怀旧氛围。这只“香蕉蜥蜴”静静地趴在质朴的木质台面上,周围散落着果皮和一把刀,画面既令人好奇,又带着一丝诡异的不安感。
A mesmerizing high-detail photograph of an owl composed entirely of popcorn, its fluffy, buttery texture mimicking real feathers, with caramel-coated accents giving depth to its wings. The owl perches on a red-and-white checkered table inside a 1950s-style diner kitchen, with a jukebox in the background and a neon “EAT” sign casting a warm glow over the stainless-steel appliances.
一张令人着迷的高清照片,描绘了一只完全由爆米花组成的猫头鹰。 它那蓬松、黄油色的质感完美模拟了真实的羽毛,而焦糖色的点缀则为翅膀增添了层次和深度。这只“爆米花猫头鹰”悠然栖息在一张红白格子桌布覆盖的餐桌上,置身于一间 1950 年代风格的美式餐馆厨房。背景中,一台复古点唱机静静矗立,旁边的霓虹灯牌上闪烁着温暖的“EAT”字样,柔和的光辉映照着不锈钢厨房设备,为整个场景增添了一种怀旧而奇幻的氛围。
A hyper-realistic photograph of a surreal hybrid creature, an armadillo seamlessly fused with a pineapple, its segmented shell composed of the fruit’s rough, golden-brown skin. The creature’s small head and limbs emerge naturally from the textured surface, while the pineapple’s green spiky crown rests on its back like armor. The setting is an open-air tropical kitchen with a wooden countertop, a hanging hammock in the background, and a bowl of freshly cut fruit. Sunlight filters through swaying palm leaves.
一张超写实的照片,展现了一只奇幻的混合生物——一只犰狳与菠萝完美融合在一起。 它的分节甲壳由菠萝粗糙的金棕色果皮构成,小巧的头部和四肢自然地从纹理丰富的表面探出,而菠萝翠绿的叶冠恰似一副坚固的盔甲,稳稳地覆盖在它的背上。场景设定在一间开放式热带厨房,木质料理台上摆放着一碗新鲜切好的水果,背景中悬挂着一张轻轻摇曳的吊床,阳光透过婆娑的棕榈叶洒落,为画面增添了一丝自然的惬意感。
A stunningly detailed photograph of a surreal croissant crab, its flaky, golden-brown shell shaped into a perfect buttery pastry, complete with delicate layers. The crab’s claws extend like crisp croissant ends, and its beady eyes peek out from the folds. The setting is a charming Parisian bakery with rustic wooden shelves lined with fresh pastries, soft morning light illuminating flour-dusted countertops.
一张惊艳细腻的照片,描绘了一只超现实的“可颂螃蟹”——它的金黄酥脆外壳宛如一只完美的黄油可颂,层层叠叠的纹理精致细腻。 螃蟹的钳子如同可颂香脆的两端,而它圆润的小眼睛则从折叠的面皮中探出。场景设定在一家充满魅力的巴黎面包店,质朴的木质货架上摆满新鲜出炉的糕点,晨曦透过窗户洒落,温柔地照亮撒满面粉的操作台,营造出温暖而梦幻的氛围。